Our central sale is open for industrial enterprises, professionals or particulars
See plus...Our technicals advices are use to electricity, HVAC, Automatisation domain and so on
See plus...We follow your installations with adapted solutions for you and in a sustainable way.
See plus...We propose you an adapted trainnings in instrual and computer science domains.
See plus...Audit of SI, Design of web and mobile applications, web site, Install and deployment of serveurs
See plus...-----------
!! We does not sell !! then, we search, choose and negotiate for you the best suppliers at unbeatable prices
Maintenance of industrial equipments (HVAC, Electricity, computer, serveurs, ...)
You consume a lot, so we carry out energy studies for you based on the consumption of gas and electricity, objective of considerable reduction
Renewable energies such as solar panels, Cogeneration, Geothermal energy. etc ... is also our business so let's think about it because the return is worth it. We know what we're talking about especially since the numbers speak for us.
Tailor-made training for companies in the areas of expertise
Audit of SI, developpment of applications and design web sites, installation and setup serveur and services
BEMS is define by their leadership, its rigor, its commitment and unconditional respect.
We negotiate your purchases and document you if necessary, we find advantageous commercial conditions for you, we drive continuous improvement through supplier relations.
Remain viable, ensure the survival of the company as long as possible, therefore customer satisfaction remains the only priority. This objective must remain SMART, that is to say specific, measurable, accessible, realistic and time-bound..
Our mission is concerned with a perfect match between needs and energy rationalization, with a goal resolutely oriented towards the overall efficiency of your project. Thus, we always work in strict environmental respect to ensure the well-being of future generations..
Small, medium and large companies, we give you the same attention for almost certain satisfaction in record time.
We manage in an honest, transparent and responsible manner.
These figures reflect evolution of BEMS'S activities.
Beyond large enterprises, we are in contact with PMEs and independent workers. Our role is to unload our customers so we manage all the practical details related to the purchase, the assembly and the maintenance of the equipment. If they wish, we can take charge of all purchasing missions (infrastructure, etc.), find the right suppliers, negotiate costs, it is important to manage your orders from start to finish. BEMS will take care of the logistics of all your purchases.
BEMS - "Boutamerno Engineering & Maintenance Solutions"
Enterprise N:0775.693.063 ; TVA N:BE775693063 ; EORI N:BE0775693063 ; IBAN N: BE74 9501 3550 6507
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